the worst djjaner animation
It's time for the madness, maybe too insane!
Animation I worked during free time, about 14 days of work, with the help of my good friends Gujit, Deshiel, Lubos and Endik55 we have created something that you all will like it.
Deshiel deserve a big thank you really helped me shall specify the translation and assumed the role of narrator, so did a really great job Endik55 gave me a really good sounds to the animation, so animation is more effective and more action, Lubos took the main role character. And thanks for the support I want to give Ellvis and especially want to thank
the creator Krinkels for creating an amazing series Madness Combat.
Thank you all for watching and thank you to all the fans and you too.
Sad news. This series is closed.
the worst djjaner animation
The animation is super fast. Love it.
That is a shame! :/ Pretty bad when you donĀ“t have Lubos and Endik55. :// But this is awesome short btw Where is Razorstar! XDDDD
I cant find part 2!!!
Well, I see - madness is still alive :D this movie makes me happy with its voice acting and some sort of plot (well, you can make an epic dramatic movie with this). Thanks!