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Shooters Field

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shooter can stay static with horizontal movement of rifle. He has to shoot the movable target, which is moving towards the marksman.The shooter can be faced with multiple targets in the duration of shoot, each can be managed evenly. Here shooter can achieve medals Player will go through ten verities of levels.You can use mouse for flexible alignment of target. Lets start the shoot.....

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This game had some good elements - decent graphics, music and controls, quite fun to play.

But in other respects was disappointing. Unprofessional sloppy typos on the help screen ("fleld", "compleate"). Lazy level design - in fact half the level maps were effectively blank, and even though later levels had more obstacles, there was very little added sophistication. Nor was there any sense of progression throughout the game - no extra challenges, waves got no harder, no new enemies, and on the flip side, no new upgrades.

Bearing in mind that all the hard-to-code parts of gameplay and graphics had actually been created, failure to employ those elements in a more challenging or rewarding way is really poor game design. Even just keeping some enemy types in reserve until later and giving them a speed boost or more subtly changing direction - wouldn't have had to be anything sophisticated! But nada.

zopygames responds:

Thanks for your suggestions & compliments

Typical arcade type game. It would have eaten some quarters.

It's not bad but it's not all that great either. It can be fun but the inclusion of a physics engine for the base projectiles makes it somewhat difficult to destroy all enemies. It would be better if the ships were slightly slower and the bullets bounced off the walls and ceilings as well.

not challenging no upgrades which should be in a shooter game

Credits & Info

2.39 / 5.00

Aug 6, 2014
1:51 AM EDT