It would be wonderful if you would note in your title, that the video is not english. You are just wasting everyones time.
Este es un nuevo proyecto de intentos de animacion
Es nuestro primer intento y esperamos que les guste aun es simple pero con su apoyo esperamos poder hacer esto de buenas animaciones mas planificadas y con un buen humor
Si desean apoyarnos siganos en nuestra pagina de Facebook y si pueden Suscribance a nuestro canal... Gracias por su tiempo y que lo disfruten xD
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It would be wonderful if you would note in your title, that the video is not english. You are just wasting everyones time.
It's pretty cool, I liked it. Drawing is awesome, but I didn't like that real-life photos part. I didn't understand what's going on there.
No actual animation, the intro is fun but not really suited for a traditionally Flash site.
Your animation was pretty sloppy, it looked like you make this with Movie Maker seeing as there's no animation, it's all still images, also, most users on Newgrounds only speak english so it might be better if you speak english in your future animation.
Su animation a parecido descuidado, ai parecido que usted a hecho esto con Movie Maker porquê no existe animation ninguna, e un conseho, la mayoria de los utilizadores de Newgrounds hablan english por isso és mehor se usted hablasen en english nas vossas animation futuras.
Lo siento por el mal castellano, el portugués es mi lengua nativa.