Alright men. The bloodshed has been going on for far too long and the last battle is finally upon us. Central Command has received our transmissions and are sending all operational units to our base. When they arrive, this war will be stopped at the source. The only problem is, the enemy knows this and is channeling everything they’ve got to here as well. And judging by the latest reports, they are going to get here first. No matter how we plan it out, they will overwhelm us. Our mission is now to take down as many of them as possible to help end this war once and for all. I just wanted to add that it has been an honor serving with you. There’s no easy way to say it but, well . . . you’re gonna die.
Controls - you can use the on screen buttons, WASD or the left & right cursor buttons to navigate left or right. Control the sound on the title screen by toggling the Sound On - Off button or throughout the game by pressing 0 for mute or 1 for default volume. Pick up the fuel cells to recharge your ship. Watch out for floating wreckage!