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Object Each player receives four pawns with the same colour: Green, Red, Blue or Yellow. You can't choose colours. It's given by the order that you join the room. The object of the game is to move all four pawns around the board clockwise from the start area to the goal area. The goal area is at the end of a path with the same colour as that of your pawns. The first player to get all of their pawns into the goal area wins. Dice The game is played with regular dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The player move the pawns as many moves as shown by the die eyes.If you throw a 6 you get an additional throw and you have the right to put a pawn on the starting position of the playground. If you don't have a pawn on the playground you have to make three throws. Multiple pawns in one square If your pawn lands on a square already occupied by a single opponent pawn, that enemy's pawn is knocked back to its starting location. If multiple enemies' pawns occupy the square, they act as a single pawn. You can put all of your pawns on one square if you want. Goal area To get your pawns from the path outside the goal area into the goal area you have to throw the exact number required to end in the goal area, if not your pawn will bounce back onto the path and you will have to wait for your next turn to try again. Skip moves You have 20 seconds to perform a move. You have the right to skip your moves for two times. First time you will receive “yellow card”, the second time you will receive “red card” and than if you skip another move you will be kicked from the game. The “cards” are indicated under your profile picture. The winner takes it all By entering a game lobby, once a day, you will receive 900 gold. You can choose a game with bet between 100 and 1000 gold. The winner of the game gets a reward 90% of all players' bets. Hints You can throw a dice by typing a space bar on your keyboard. Every pawn has its own number and you can choose what pawn to be moved by pressing the numbers on your keyboard. You must connect to the internet before you start if you like this game. Add Reviews And Rating To This Game
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Awesome game :) (Y)
not that fun