I couldn't help noticing, that in a lot of your games, you sure put a LOT of faith in old rust buckets.
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After visiting your grandmother, you were on your way home. All of a sudden your car started making a strange noise, then the engine died. You are miles from your grandmother's house and even further from town. You came upon what seems to be an abandoned manor. You decide to go inside. Good luck and have fun playing!
I couldn't help noticing, that in a lot of your games, you sure put a LOT of faith in old rust buckets.
medals not working
I really like the choice of music. I enjoyed this game and a lot of your other games, Selfdefiant \m/ Keep up the awesome work!
I noticed that there were no purple orbs to pixel hunt in this game, which was okay because they would have had no purpose but I felt that this game was less interactive than others ( less to click on and more wandering from room to room) It would have kept my interest if the pace of the game were quicker.
This game has to be the least scary game out of the scary games you do and i like that keep up the good work