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Swords and Souls

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Welcome to Soul Town! Design your Soul, train him and step into the Arena! Unlock new skills, buy new equipment and make your way to the top in this exciting RPG/Training game!
- 5 fun mini-games to improve your hero’s stats
- Over 30 Arena levels and Survival mode
- 44 enemies and bosses
- Tons of equipment, upgrades, skills, items and abilities
- A home to build and secrets to find
- A museum to invest in and complete

Mouse for most interactions (explained in-game)
Arrows/WASD and Mouse
1-6 = Use Skills
1-6 + Shift = Use Potions and Spells

===========UPDATE – GRIND FOR ETERNITY!============
- TURBO mode for training (unlocked at Level 70)
- Trade Ruby for XP in the Shop (after unlocking Survival)
- Checkpoints every 5 waves in the Survival
- Quit Survival saves your results
- Training missions continue for ever
- Training missions beyond 50 are more rewarding
- Glory earned in Survival gives XP boost
- Bigger cross hair in Accuracy Training

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Childhood game bro, this brings back memories of crying when losing my save file.

my favorite rpg

my favorite childhood rpg

lag makes it annoying to play. not as good as it used to be.

i love this game so much although playing on mobile sure is hard!

Credits & Info

4.65 / 5.00

Oct 18, 2015
1:03 PM EDT
  • Frontpaged October 20, 2015
  • Daily Feature October 19, 2015
  • Weekly 3rd Place October 21, 2015
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