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jogo de fantasia em plataforma 2d
  • » Suitable For All Audiences

Author Comments

Tutorial : Use the arrow keys to run and jump and press Z to attack.

Explore the world of avandor , playing with the charismatic protagonist Sion, struggling to find the mighty Orb.
Avandor is a game developed by a single person, then people apologies for possible bugs and errors , but if you like the game can help in the development of possible matches for visiting my page facebook.com/eduardosecolinart

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Apoio jogos brasileiros, mas só o que dá pra elogiar é a arte :\
Não tem música nem efeito sonoro,
A animação dá umas falhadas e não tem checkpoint (o que dá pra entender se vc disse qe foi feito em pouco tempo)

só tem um tipo de inimigo que eu não consegui atacar sem tomar dano de volta.. e dá pra simplesmente ignorá-los e correr através deles, até chegar do outro lado da fase. Mas boa sorte em futuros projetos!

eduardo-secolin responds:

obrigado cara...como eu disse é meu primeiro jogo e eu sou ilustrador a programação é algo dificil,foi mais por diversão msmo,mas vou melhorar nos proximos!

Graphicly: Level of a Professionnal 2d game
Animation: Epic animation
Music:Great, match perfectly with the theme of explorating the world
Compatibility: Seem like you are planning to put it on Google Store or Appstore ?

-There a story , but it's not explained. (Except in the desc, but please put it in the game too.)
-The ennemies are hard to kill.
-"Ayah" sound effect that repeat too much when fighting.

-Loading time(But that a problem of Construct2 so dont consider it)

eduardo-secolin responds:

thank you! is my first game has several defects intend to improve to the next , it's based on a comic of my creation , this version this available in play store completely free.

Some thoughts:

I notice when you attack, you swing the sword twice, does it do twice as much damage as only one swing? Maybe it's best to swing once with each push of the key.

Defense? When I'm jumping onto a small platform with an ogre, they're able to attack me the same amount as I do with them, and they get an extra hit in or two before I land.

I've noticed if I stand further into the ogre, he attacks and does no damage. I was able to stand center mass with an ogre and both of our attacks were not hurting one another.

You might want to think about adding lives. I got fairly far into a level but fell down a hole, then the game restarted from the very beginning; maybe add a continue spot? Also, adding a dash would help with dealing with ogres since there's nothing you can do to defend yourself except to take the damage and hurt them before they hurt you too much. (Where's the replenishment for health in levels?)

I would also like to suggest a reward for killing an ogre. I was able to run past them without getting hurt too much by standing in the middle of them. Maybe if we were rewarded with points that we could spend on upgrades, or some time of item or health came from killing them, it would give more of a sense of achievement or reason to kill them.

Sound FX are pretty minimal here. The sound of the character attacking and music. Maybe add FX for the sword or the mace of the ogres, sounds of the ogres of them attacking or dying, sound of your steps or the sound of landing after jumping.

I look forward to your next improved flash game!

eduardo-secolin responds:

thank you friend! this is my first game , I will try to improve in the next , I'm illustrator and part programming it is something hard for me .

Credits & Info

2.64 / 5.00

Oct 31, 2015
12:56 PM EDT