this game is fun the jump scares made me jump but in the end I figured out where all 5 things were for the power.
There is a power failure in your house. Everything is so dark... find a way to have the light back before you go insane !
Headphones recommended.
Arrow keys or 'A' and 'D' to move, click to interact.
We hope you enjoy! Dont hesitate to leave any feedback, so we can make our games better.
*NOTE the only browser supported right now is Google Chrome. You can however download it here:
Blyant Games
#horror #5minutes #pointandclick
this game is fun the jump scares made me jump but in the end I figured out where all 5 things were for the power.
For Chrome only? there is no game here at all
We will make sure that our next game is for every browser :)
Others wrapped it up for me. If you make it on Newgrounds make it available for all browsers to play.
We make sure to do that for next time! :)
Google Chrome or download only. Nope.
I enjoyed this game very much. The style is great, the jumpscares did get me every now and then; I like how her sanity decreases and reflects her environment. The puzzles were challenging as I had to play the game three times to understand what each of them were asking of me and then finally completing all four before I went completely insane. I would love to see a bigger game where puzzles took place in separate parts of a house. Each with it's own time limit (provided there was a save point after completing each room, that would get frustrating otherwise.)
But I do agree this game needed a better ending- after all that work figuring out the puzzles and feel so unrewarded...bit of a bummer. But in saying that you could stretch the idea out into one huge story- why did the power go out? Did someone or something do that? Is it all in the girl's mind or are there darker forces at play? Are they just have a bit of scary fun or are they out to truly scare her? Maybe feed off her sanity? Just throwing some ideas out there. :)
Good work so far! And for a game made in a couple of days- pretty awesome!
Thank you for all of this feedback, we really appreciate it!
It could be cool to make it into a bigger and more exciting story. Some of our short games, we do decide to develop further. Really depends on the potential and how we feel about it :)
Putting more puzzles and an actualy story in it this one could be quite interesting, and we have thought about it.
I hope you enjoy our future games just as much. We are happy to get this kind of great feedback, so once again, thanks!