at first, i liked how the movement allowed the gameplay to be non-linear, but in the end, it still feels very very linear
additionally, the bosses feel kinda same-ish? idk how but it turned to a downgrade from GS2
You have to build your spaceship and go out to different missions in space.
Earn money and upgrade your spaceship abilitis.
at first, i liked how the movement allowed the gameplay to be non-linear, but in the end, it still feels very very linear
additionally, the bosses feel kinda same-ish? idk how but it turned to a downgrade from GS2
bigest flaw of this game is name whenever i want to go back to it i just cant remeber name and saw bosse's suck and if you could play previos planets even without gaining anything it would be much cooler
the game did not start
forgot about this game. good time waster. after you get stronger support then its just a matter of grinding to finish the game