WASD - Move
Mouse - Shoot
` - Fullscreen
P - Pause
1 - Pistol
2 - SMG
- More Maps/Guns
- Controllable Bots
- Shop System
- Custom defenses/Building system
- Map Editor
- Special/Super Zombies
- Open World Mode
Heck, I've been working on this game for over a year now. Ever since I released the first Dead Defense back in 2013. I'm still an amateur game developer, so please bear with me!
Please leave constructive feedback. I know the gameplay is limited and rough, but I plan on updating this game frequently with more content, starting with adding friendly and commandable bots!
So cool!
It would be awesome if you continue it.
I have a 3d zombie shooter in the works at the moment! Stay tuned Deryc!
pretty good has potential.
I had another version after this in the works for a while, but scrapped it. I hope to make a worthy successor someday!
awesome 2d games
pretty good for a beta, in the final edition you should add more weapons, and also the ammo and med kits have been appearing in side walls, also the zombies should do more damage, to easy, or multiple difficulty levels