This is pretty sweet. I find it to be pretty unique and creative. The old-school style is great, and if this were back the Atari 2600 days, it would probably be a good game thanks to the variation in enemies and levels. The enemies themselves are pretty fun. Each each its own music, which furthers their individual personalities. The descriptions when you catch them helps a lot too. I appreciate the medals, and that the enemies get tougher as you encounter them multiple times. I made the game tougher on myself at first, as I didn't realize that you can jump through surfaces to land on top. I was trying to obey the laws of physics, jumping around things and squeezing through small spots. The game is challenging, but not frustrating once you figure out the mechanics.
Still, it would have been cool if there were more than just 5 enemies. Seeing who came next was part of what drove me through the first 5 levels. The game is really a survival challenge, and the leaderboard aids this. I do wish it were a little easier to get extra lives. How many levels are in the game, or does it recycle when you finish the last one?
The only real problem here is in the control. The character moves a little too slow, making the gameplay feel sluggish. I'd tweak this a tiny bit, just not enough to make the character too loose. That's even worse. Also, there's a glitch where the priest's feet can get stuck inside the platforms. This can be sovled by jumping out, but when you're in tight situation... say, tying to dodge the werewolf's falling debris... it can mean disaster.
Other than that, great work!