Some problems : When you press top/down arrow, the screen is moving, never forget this when you prog (make the game in full screen, so it doesnt happen).
Think about ppl of different langages, which do not have QWERTY (thinking about french with azerty). To solve this, you shall map your controls like this : AS D or QSD to swap weapon, Z to use item, and R to randomize.
Thinking about the randomize : Not very useful (but i understand why it exist), moreover, whydo you have to select objects and not for the randomize ? I dont think "chose" item is the good think, you have 4 items, 1 for each control, and its ok.
Finally, even if your game is called "randomize", there is a big problem : the differents generation are totally useless, except when a mob spawn next to you and rekt you instant, so there is 2 situations : -The randomize doesnt matter. OR -The randomize insta-kill you, which is fcking frustating.