Spanish themed flash. Graphics are decent enough for viewing. Gameplay is pretty weak. This might be okay for small children.
This is full spanish programm to learn and practice basic words and spelling, read and listen spanish with some cute drawings Contain the syllables conjugated to the vowels + B C CH D F J L LL M N Ñ O P S T V
Made for 5 to any age.
I made this for my younger boy Fidel who is starting to read and writte
Spanish themed flash. Graphics are decent enough for viewing. Gameplay is pretty weak. This might be okay for small children.
Good educational game for childrens. The interactions are nice and very colorfull.
Its good, :)
So this one was cool and not a bad game you have here it was kind of nifty I already know spanish so this was kind of cool, you should make a larger view screen that way you can show more, anyways nice job here hope to see much more of your games anyways keep up the good work.
you should make a larger view screen that way you can show more
I'm from Mexico, and i can ensure that are better metods of learning spanish, altought, this is good for beginners