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This is an early build of our draft-fighting game. So there is no music, the ui is plain and we have just 5 Fighters now.

We like the heartsone arena mode to the point where the draft is more interessting than the actual game.

This build is an introduction to this game, there is no randomness, all fighters appear in the same order (we'll add random drafts and enemies in a later version). We just want some feedback. Do you understand the mechanics, the abilities (ability description)? How about the difficulty?
Hope you enjoy it!

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Bad design. It's not a language problem, or a graphics problem - though both of these suffer - it's simply bad design. Designers have no idea what they are going for or what they did wrong. I cannot give even half a star. Strengthen your design focus and emphasize clear functionality and try again.

pinguInGames responds:

haha, you're right. we have no idea what we are doing and we don't know what other people like. therefore we put this prototype here to see how people would react.
but can you make a clear point about the bad design? what is bad about it (we know it's bad, we didn't put any real effort in it)? thx for the response!

I don't understand this game at all. No instructions, or ability descriptions for that matter, the odds(I'm assuming they're odds) you have for each fighter make no sense at all.

pinguInGames responds:

thanks for the response. we thought it would be difficult to understand how the battle systems works. we didn't make a full instruction to look how much we can expect from players who don't know the game (it's difficult to be objective if you're the one creating it).
i assume you made it to level 3( before this level aren't any abilities).
first of all they are no odds but conditions. the abilities have a state when they will start (onEnter, battlecry, preAttack,onAttack,afterAttack,ondeath), then they can have a start condition and a target condition (examples: if they have full life, no shield etc.). if the startcondition is fullfilled the fighter will play an animation, the ability is activated, then they check the targets, you'll see the effect on them if the condition is fullfilled.
the first ability you'll see is: if the fighter dies he will deal 3 damage to the fighter in front if him.

i think the problems are that the icons are too small and they is no visualization if a fighter has a shield or speer.

Credits & Info

2.09 / 5.00

Jun 3, 2017
12:26 PM EDT