Why does this look like it was made in 2001? Is Synfig really that bad?
An experiment I did with synfig as I teach myself synfig for vector animation, and as I dabble in different visual styles including anime.
The background is a looping photo I took in southern India. The splashy water sounds were made by my mouth. The music is by my talented friend, Olivia Frise, who can be found at her website, https://www.oliviafrise.com.
Why does this look like it was made in 2001? Is Synfig really that bad?
I quite like the music by your talented friend.
You wouldn't happen to have any more of it to enjoy, would you?
...is this suppose to be a anamation? It seams like a picture that repeats itself
The background is a picture repeating, yes. But the character, the main focus of the video, is a vector animated creature with randomly moving hair strand things and has animated non-repetitive movements when it tilts its head back to make its cry. The blurred mist spraying in the foreground is also animated and not a static image being looped.