I really value the effort that went into making this game. I love the ambition to create a game from absolute scratch that has multiple game phases.
With that said I think you need to do some serious work on this to render the game into an enjoyable experience for the players.
After "surviving" for 13 days I have the following observations:
- the game is loaded with typos..cmonBruh
- there is no sense of advancing anywhere...there is no scaling difficulty in your game. this applies to all phases.
- the Payment / Upgrade board is a complete mess. I had to get a degree in Economics before I could understand wtf is going on there. You need to clean up / change that table.
- sometimes some meteors get stuck on the left edge of the screen and there is no way to get them unless you bump into them. This is a bug.
- write more client requests and make the choice actually mean something. Right now I can choose anything and there are not consequences
- most importantly, you have NO GOAL in the game..why keep playing? No storyline, nothing to achieve. I see you have the beginnings of some plot there (resistance groups, crime syndicates etc.). Expand it..create a goal for the player (help a faction, destroy the syndicate etc..ANYTHING)
+ I like the music
+ Everything is made from scratch...ships, menus etc. I appreciate the hard work.
3 stars and that reflects my hopes that eventually you can work on the things I mentioned.