Why is this still posted?
Dont forget the final safety tip: Never post anything again Mr.Smith, it could be hazardous to peoples health!
This is my stop-motion tribute to all those stupid saftey movies you see in school. It was converted to flash so i hope you enjoy. This took me along time so please if at all possible no zeros.....
Why is this still posted?
Dont forget the final safety tip: Never post anything again Mr.Smith, it could be hazardous to peoples health!
u seriously should work on ur graphics
very lame. the music wuz dull, the voice got annoying, and u should really stop makin these moviez. u lucky i gave a 2
good job
that was real good. and pretty funny i like how u use the tech decks in the movies b/c they look normal w/ the clay figures. good job!
that was extremely cheesy, but amusing
rotflmao, but could be funnier although I don't know how it could be made funnier...