Some people say it is not wise to publish your first attempt in an engine you are just trying out. I assume there is a very young person who published this, so:
Keep it up if you want to make a game in one point.
Runner is a platformer game that is extremely far from complete. All I have right now is a sprite that jumps around and collects coins.
Some people say it is not wise to publish your first attempt in an engine you are just trying out. I assume there is a very young person who published this, so:
Keep it up if you want to make a game in one point.
should not have released then
Good work but you know what they say. A baby swan isn't born all grown up, keep working. I believe you can make a great game
the game just put me in and endless white abyss.
You can make this into something good if you make a full level and fix the animations