I feel like you made the right decision. I'm glad you choose for yourself, rather than just going with the crowd. Besides, you can always come back to it and try both. I'm trying to make it as a writer, (although this won't be my main job) and I had to decide between poetry and stories. When you love and respect both it's a hard decision. Maybe I understand that just a little bit, although it seems to have been everything for you. The one thing I can say is that you can come back to it. I choose poetry, and I'm happy with my choice, but that doesn't mean I'll stop writing stories. I can see in the end that you did, in fact, do both. You wouldn't have made this video otherwise.
I love hearing what you have to say, in fact, I went to sheridan for a year as well, so hearing your stories is always interesting for me. I'll probably go back to sheridan as a second year sometime soon. I'm studying something other than writing there, something I enjoy, but also can rely on as a stable job. Still wish I could go full on writer, but whatever.
Thanks for sharing, your videos are always something I look forward to.