Fantastic use of animation. Thank you so much for posting. We really appreciate it, especially during the crazy times like this. Love having the opportunity to learn new things like this and,
This animation was commissioned by a client to use to propose to his girlfriend. Names have been changed to protect privacy, and the animation was used with permission. This is my second engagement animation, and my third "couples" animation. I guess it's kind of becoming my thing?
It was fun, and I enjoyed working in the style of Catana - shoutout:
Sounds used are from
Film Projector.wav by Rock Savage | License: Sampling+
Thanks for checking it out!
Follow me on Twitter dudes:
Fantastic use of animation. Thank you so much for posting. We really appreciate it, especially during the crazy times like this. Love having the opportunity to learn new things like this and,
Nice character animation.
It was easy to follow.
Nice character animation.
It was easy to follow.
Cool. I hope they are happy.
So adorable, cute and love animation