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KickPunch is an old school Beat-'em-up game. Get your fighting skills tested by defeating
  • » Suitable For All Audiences

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You can play using either the keyboard or a gamepad.

Use the D-Pad, Left Stick, Arrow Keys or WASD keys to move.
Press X (xbox), H, O or Enter to punch.
Press A (xbox), J, P or Backspace to kick.


- Move, move, move. Don't let the enemies surround you. Try to stack them together and then hit them.
- Kicks knock enemies back farther than punches, but they do less damage.
- Get food to heal yourself. The bigger the dish, the more hit points you'll get restored. Also, make sure you look behind the sidewalk objects in each level.

What is this game?

KickPunch was made for the annual GitHub Game-Off 2017 contest.

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his punches now have the power of kicks

neat game

amazing,I really liked this game, a mix of beat'em'up + nostalgia

Nice work.

Liked how it was put together, my only fault on it would be that lack of color, but it has the gameboy charm with the monochrome effect.
Music was twee and charming with it's little quirky beats and tunes.

I completed it on my first attempt, but I'm a veteran at these sorts of games from my arcarde youth! :)
The difficult it just right.

Look forward to seeing more!

Well, I played till Act 3 and they started to kick my ass, then I died and realizing it that I have to restart all over again. Kinda meh and also about the punch, I'd rather add a 3 combo punch or kick at least. It seems to be.... repetitive imo.

Credits & Info

3.41 / 5.00

Dec 9, 2018
8:52 AM EST
  • Daily 5th Place December 10, 2018