This was so much fun! I love when she hits the dude with the horns with the chair.
After a long flight to deliver cargo, Lee stops by an old friend for a couple of drinks. She takes this opportunity to check in for any real jobs and ends up with more than she bargained for...
This was so much fun! I love when she hits the dude with the horns with the chair.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, it really means a lot!
The bartender looks to be a good listener. Can't wait for the next part!
I'm working on the next part as often as I can! Thank you so much
for checking it out!!
Why are aliens even mentioning anything about her genetic makeup? I get that you have your preconceptions, biases and ideologies, but why are you projecting them unto the aliens? They have no reason to assume anything at all, unless they have already seen something. In which case you're basically implying that women are in fact inferior "mercenaries" within the internal consistency of your universe. If you must soap box, at least keep it somewhat logical so it doesn't break suspension of disbelief.
I understand your concerns. To be honest I have a large part of the story already written out and the comment Lee makes is based on the insecurities of her history which will unfold within the story. I have a character who will appear later in the story ( who has a card on my FB page) who is a Female mercenary and is infact one of the highest ranking mercenaries. This first 4 mins was supposed to establish the insecurities of the character . The " old lady " comment was my way of trying to establish the concept of a short lifespan in all of humanity and of which will be brought up again later in the series which is also why I bothered comparing her age to the dude at the end of the table as well as the bartender ( it's just offencive I suppose because the main character is a woman instead of a man ). I did debate on whether or not I should shove all that information in the first 4 mins of the story but I'm merely doing this to tell a story and whether or not people like it I'm not going to rush the Starlock universe into a few short clips. I do appreciate you pointing that information out though! When I'm writing the episodes I'm so caught up in everything that happening or going to happen that I overlook facts that I know but the viewers might not. I will definitely be more careful in the future with how I phrase things!! Thanks for the criticism! And thanks for checking it out!!
Terrible audio but god damn you had me at the bartender literally being an entire ear.
Yeah, flash seems to butcher any audio I import. I have the original sounds so if I can manage to get a better program ( or find a way around it) I'll be able to update it all with the higher qualities. Thanks for the feedback!!
(Edit: I've tried something that might have fixed the sound quality! Thanks again for your input!!)
The attention to the little actions within this first part of episode one definitely shows great promise. I chuckled almost through out the entire half episode! Looking forward to more #Starlock!