I honestly really like the concept and art. The animations are smooth and I love the ambient music. It's overall a really good game.
Just some things that I've noticed that might help you:
- One of the levels where you have to press a pressure plate to move the door down has a bug where when the player exits the level while the platform is still moving makes the player disappear in the wall. I know I probably worded that a bit weird so message me if you want.
- When the player falls into a gap the level is suddenly reset. A transition would make it feel so much nicer.
- Your game needs WAY MORE JUICE! Add plenty of particle effects and screenshake and it will make the game feel much more interesting and satisfying.
- The player immediately dies when touching any part of the crushers. The player should only die when touching the bottom part.
- The player's death animation with the crushers seem a little off. Maybe instead have a particle explosion when the player is crushed as the death animation looks out of place.
- More collectible objects like coins would be nice. Hints that can be bought with coins would help a lot too.
- The levels start getting boring after a while. Some more background decorations and variations would make the game feel much better.
- (Just a personal opinion) For these kinds of games adding a dash ability would be a great addition.
- The spirits should be emitting some more light. Maybe also instead of plain orbs have them swirl to add some effect.
- Adding shadow to pits that can kill the player is good to help players know that that will kill them as to me it just looks a little weird.
- Some npcs and enemies would spice things up as well as an attack ability for the player.
Still a very good game though, has a lot of potential.