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A 3d maze game
  • » Suitable For All Audiences

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Im learning unity let me know what you think and how i can im prove this is my first real project.

I have fixed the lighting problem hope you in joy.

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Starting a game, I get a kind of brown square, which I think is supposed to be the main character, in the middle of a load of blackness. I can kind of move it around and it squishes up against the walls of the maze (if it's there), but it is quite unplayable.

Nice music though.

Edit: Confirmed fixed and score updated.
The fixed angle makes going backwards or sideways difficult, which is exasperated further in the levels with platforming, while making navigating the maze even easier. The constant resets when hitting the lava and the small dark brown platforms in the dark red lava texture don’t help either. The fourth(?) level is glitched for me; the lava doesn’t reset you and it’s impossible to jump on any beams (or see where to jump if it is possible)
Additionally, remember to put your controls in the description; I didn’t know jumping was a thing until experimenting, and I was also using the arrow keys (which have gliched mid-air manoeuvrability) over wasd.

I think you show great promise as a game maker, but you should decide what project you are going to make; is it a maze game, or a platformer? If it’s both, how do those elements play off each other without becoming frustrating?

Silva-Thornbrig responds:

Ya im trying to fix it some thing mesed up when i prted the game and the light source vanised or moved its realy frustrating sorry

Credits & Info

2.51 / 5.00

Jul 20, 2020
1:30 PM EDT