Hey! This is really great! A massive improvement from the last time I played one your games. Good job mate
Please note this is not a critique of any one economic system, but of authoritarianism as a whole...
Hey! This is really great! A massive improvement from the last time I played one your games. Good job mate
Thanks for the feedback!
Interesting idea! For the work that was put into it, the gameplay could have been a lot more compelling - I mean you have all the code to move a guy around, you had different kind of obstacles, you had the puzzle minigames, it would have been straightforward to add a lot to the gameplay just by making the level design more challenging. Whether that's by requiring better timing to make it through the obstacles, making it a puzzle which route through the obstacles/computers actually works (eg using the computers to manipulate more scenery in the level not just open the exit door?) or making the minigames harder...
But it's still playable and has good atmosphere.
That ladder-climbing animation (or lack of it) though!!!! Just needed a little bit more polish! Similarly the odd way you need the computer mouse to interact with computers, but nothing else...
Thanks for the feedback!
Is this based off Chernobyl? I seem to remember the name Legasov.
It does take some influence from and reference real life events. Thanks for the feedback!
It's a pretty fun game! I know pixel art games have been done to death, but i feel like the artstyle fits this game really well, i especially love the old PC aesthetic for the minigames and the title screen! Good Job!
Thanks for the feedback! I too enjoy retro technology's antiquated beauty.
i think authoritarianism to some degree is needed but i agree with the message for an un-rightfully tyrannical government must be over thrown and also what are the control's? also who drove the fork lift into the nuclear barrels again was it pruvenskii?
WASD and spacebar for movement. W to scroll through text. Thanks for the feedback!