This isn't half bad! The controls feel a little delayed, but besides this, I really dig the sound and the rest of the gameplay, graphics are simplistic too, but what else to expect from pico 8? Well done.
A snake game heavily inspired by the wonderful crazy snake by Fraggle & Duck on the Amstrad CPC range.
Enemy Types
CPU controlled snakes, these aren't much of a challenge but can be dangerous in numbers. They often make getting food at the top right difficult and you need to be aware of them.
Seeker - This enemy will mess up your day, you need to learn how to deal with it. It will always try to get ahead of you.
Ghost - Not so much an enemy but actually a tasty snack. If you manage to eat three of them then you get a new life sweet.
S - Makes your snake short. Useful for when the length of your body is getting too big.
L - A tasty 1up
This isn't half bad! The controls feel a little delayed, but besides this, I really dig the sound and the rest of the gameplay, graphics are simplistic too, but what else to expect from pico 8? Well done.