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The Stickman Chase

June 17, 2021 –
September 29, 2021
This entry was deleted.

Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.

Author Comments

The game does not have much mystery, I did it in 1 week since I am just learning to program so this game is more like a test to see what I can do knowing so little about video game development


This really needs more work than it was given before

The jump is too fast and brings you to the ground almost instantly, the music is really bad, sprites aren't up to par, etc.

<deleted> responds:

I appreciate your comment, this game does not put much effort because it is only a test of what I can do with little knowledge of video game development, now I am working on one that will be much better than this :D

teniendo en cuenta que esta hecho en una semana, esta bastante bien, pero queda algo por pulir, asi que le dare 3 estrellas. tampoco te tomes mal lo que diga un aweonao de internet como yo porque yo no se ni hacer que un personaje se mueva en unity xd. en realidad la unica wea que no esta pulida es el salto. lo demas re piola. para empezar a programar no quedo zzz. no diria que GOD, pero a lo mejor basado. tiene mucho potencial y ojala un dia sea generado aleatoriamente. pero si no queres trabajar en este proyecto da igual bro ya has subido algo.

Ghostbill responds:



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