The entire compiled series of Lenventures, a dumb, cringey series of cartoons I made in MMD back in 2015 when I was 16 years old. I unlisted all of the original episodes out of shame and embarassment, but since these cartoons were partially responsible for honing my animation skills and (to a degree) getting me to where I am now, I figured it would be nice to pay tribute to them by putting them all together in a single video. Watch with caution, the cringe is particularly strong during the first seven or so minutes. As you might have guessed from the thumbnail and the tags alone, this video is literally teenage cringe incarnate.
The plot follows Len Kagamine (yes, THAT Len Kagamine) and his exploits with a coke-headed dinosaur.
The voice actors and (most) of the assets used are credited at the very end of the video.