not bad for first try
little help would be a plot, plots realy help, and have there face change when they get hit or something to be more realistic this could start something good if you keep trying!
Please send in reviews and tip me what to do better. Its my first movie ever.
not bad for first try
little help would be a plot, plots realy help, and have there face change when they get hit or something to be more realistic this could start something good if you keep trying!
Great job on your first
Nice and fluid. That is a good trait to have in your flashes. Now just work on content, maybe a story, detail, and maybe even a series.
that was cool!
it was kinda long but i really liked it. i can see you put some work into this. good job on your first! Fiven!!
it was pretty good
i deserves a higher score than 5 but not higher than 8
((( DECENT )))
Hmmm ok that wasnt bad for a first, i like the slowmotion and falling down, it was kinda realistic, good little fight and its not a stick flick, heheh anyways it was good...