Aggravating indeed
HE EATS SO MUCH HE GETS FAT AND GETS STUCK GET IT! HAHAHAHA!This should actually be called Pac-Man 1.5. I was bored tonight and decided to create a variation and aggravate all those who hated the original Pac-Man movie. Thank you in advance for your hateful reviews! Oh yeh, this is a joke. Enjoy!
Aggravating indeed
Sweet, better than the first one.
Now this was better than the first one, but not quite good. I would have liked to see him get attacked. Maybe it would have taken too much time. I really do like the loading screen. Randy did a good use with CGI. It's a pity he never used that more.
I appreciate the use of Pac-Man. Everything looks authentic. Its just not long enough. It would have worked better as a compilation. That would make more sense.
Not as funny as I remmeber it oh well
lol but short
8 cuz 2 short but lol