That is pretty good!
Welcome to Picture Day, the new game from master game builder Jake Welch.
In this game we will be joining a young boy named Thad on his quest to get to school on picture day while avoid a flock of frantic birds.
You maybe asking your self, how did such a no talent hack come up with such an elbaite idea for a video game? Well the answer to that is simple my friend. It was the fourth of July weekend and I was visiting my family when one of my nephews comes up and says,
"I have an idea for a video game. Its a game about a kid trying to make it to school on picture day without getting pooped on by birds."
From that an idea was born and here it is for you in all its viewing pleasure..........
PICTURE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love and thank you for playing,
Jake Welch
That is pretty good!
Best game ever created!