this really gives off that vibe you're going for. nice job!
It's my first animation. I wanted to give it a 90's Eastern Bloc feel. because i like that. This video uses my own music (not so good quality)
But If you want to see a video with another song, check out this link too!
Right now, I'm making a 3 minute long, bright video. I'll be back when it's done!
this really gives off that vibe you're going for. nice job!
I love the style and music. Im not gonna lie. I find it a little hard to believe this is your first animation.
Thank you so much for the compliment. Actually, I made a few videos shorter than this. But this is the first time it's been close to a minute! I'll try my best to show you another video soon.
Never seen anything like it animation wise. Nice work!
I'll try to keep seeing other things like this. Thanks!
Pretty good!
Thank you, Sir!