A very short loop in handdrawn style with a sound effect. The artist may be doing this for a school project. If so they'll hopefully keep going, because I'd like to see what they turn into down the road.
(do mermaids count as "some nudity"? I'll just mark it to be safe)
What's the point of having a redhead oc if I can't do a little mermaid Reference? And barely in time for mermay too.
In all seriousness tho this was fun. It was a bit embarrassing animating her "chest" but it would look weird if it stayed static so I guess it was needed, plus its funny. It's also my first attempt at animating water and I think its pretty decent all things considered. Overall I like how this turned out.
(this was originally gonna be a gif but its too big for thumbnails so its a video now. It felt weird silent so I added sound)
A very short loop in handdrawn style with a sound effect. The artist may be doing this for a school project. If so they'll hopefully keep going, because I'd like to see what they turn into down the road.