Not another comic dub!
This is a comic dub, although you're calling it a 'Comic book with SOUND'. Same thing.
Months ago, I made a thread complaining about uploading comic dubs to Newgrounds. I said that they generally take less time and effort than a regular animation made at a similar skill level. Even less if they didn't create the comic themselves and just used a pre-existing one. As a result, the Movie Guidelines were changed to reflect that.
"Comic Dubs: This is an evolving area. If you are simply adding audio over static images from an existing comic, please refrain from sharing it here. If you have created a motion comic that introduces elements of animation along with audio, you can share it here but only if the artist themselves has an NG account and is co-authored on the piece. Please rate your entry appropriately; this category has been under much scrutiny after several misrated Adult comic dubs won daily awards. Rate your entry Adult if it contains nudity and sexual situations."
while Tom Fulp said:
"Comic Dubs should require the comic artist to be co-authored with an NG account and also require the "Opt out of Awards" box to be checked."
So, how does this Foamy 'Audio Comic' stand up? Well, there's barely any lewd stuff in this, and you pretty much created everything here, the comic itself, the audio, and most of the voices, with some from Dawn, a voice actor you worked with for many years, but I didn't really see a lot of motion.
I assume you've opted out of awards in this episode, since you said you opted out in the first episode:
"Also opting out of awards here on this as I kinda don't feel like it's "animation" or whatever. :P"
Also, I want to point out that you just started doing that when you reposted the old Foamy episodes here from 2018-2020 and got backlash for constant Daily award winning. And with these 'audio comics' skirting past the Guidelines, I could see this getting messy at some point down the line.
Graphics: 4 | Style: 7 | Sound: 10 | Writing: 7 | Humor: 8
Overall Score: 6