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Author Comments

OK this is not done remember that!!!

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WTF infinity

... what...the...hell?

umm ok....

it was a little pointless and the graphics sucked, but i still respect you...

But can you edit it so that instead of smoking that thing, he like drinks beer or something less violant than that.... overall a good idea!

There are millions of Africans....

...that deserve your computer more than you do.

Interesting spoof

Kirby on dope.
Original, but very lame at the same time.
It's a somewhat interesting concept, though I think that it's a shame that the flash wasn't near good enough to be replayable/recommendable.
Due to it being fairly boring.
The absense of sound is the main thing as to what bored me.

I don't think he can

Right, I actually let this movie load, and I actually watched it. I figured that after you had toyed around with your other flash movies, that you could have developed a sense of what is a "good" way to make a flash movie, and what is a "bad" way to make a flash movie. Apparently I was DEAD WRONG.

I usually give reasons for my votes....I refuse to this time because I'm sick and tired of pointing out the obvious stupidity and lack of sense and direction of the bulk of Newground's flash files.

the duck is not pleased

Credits & Info

1.68 / 5.00

Feb 24, 2003
9:33 PM EST