Good idea to write your own thing after RoP came out. I didn't make it past the 1st episode to be honest.
This scene is part of what started out as a writing exercise I started on out of frustration with the writing in Rings of Power. Instead of just complaining or criticizing or getting depressed about it, why not present an alternative, instead? After a flurry of ideas and notes inspired by video content of Tolkien nerds, I came up with this scene as a proof of concept. It's also something I wanted to include as a writing sample in a presentation. That's when the idea came to me to post for someone to storyboard it. Chris Ossu answered my post and did a fantastic job illustrating the scene on short notice. Be sure to visit his profile, too:
Good idea to write your own thing after RoP came out. I didn't make it past the 1st episode to be honest.