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26th Birthday

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🎵 The Caretaker - Libet's Delay

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Stop having birthdays, you scare me (that was a joke please keep posting)

damn... this hit wAAYYYY too close to home. i think the caretaker music really fits here as well. sometimes, it is scary, hard, difficult, confusing, and frustrating to try and conform. and this movie here shows it. being unique is supposed to be "quirky", it's supposed to be "fun" and "courageous", but really.. being unique is being discriminated and strange to others. it's so hard sometimes. you just wanna be accepted, but the little things make you stand out and look weird.. you just want to be yourself.

Wait what is there a story the ending is confusing but great!

amazing i love the animation and the ost

I am so confused, but I also feel like I completely understand what was going on.. Pretty cool animation tho

Credits & Info

4.63 / 5.00

Jan 7, 2023
11:45 PM EST
  • Frontpaged January 8, 2023
  • Weekly Users' Choice January 11, 2023
  • Daily Feature January 9, 2023