Well done and good work on it.
The Steampunk Kingdom of Gefunden, a grand domain residing far within the skies. Many unsuspecting Gefundi are forced into a path none of which had planned to trek. Through many struggles, hardships and grief - Our eventual heroes will become the people their meant to be, so that they can band together to set the dragons free, fight the forces of the Undercity, and defeat their Queen. Only then will they discover the truth about Gefunden...
Series Written and Created by:
NitroGoblin http://nitrogoblin.deviantart.com/
Comic Art by:
Spark-Dragon http://spark_dragon.deviantart.com/
Matt Wilson https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrte2leaH7yFs88aaKJm2wA
Animation "Clawdia Awakens" by:
Matt Wilson https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrte2leaH7yFs88aaKJm2wA
Art in Credits by:
Supercaterina http://supercaterina.deviantart.com/
Clawdia - Anjidu/Anna Kingsly
Sheila - Nitrogoblin / Brandi Stone
Echo - Nickle4APickle
PJ - Venus.Unicorn / Mikell Dover
Zaeed - SilverElick / Matthew Johnson
Alterone - Skytric / Gabe Hinton
Ignial - William Morris
Programs used:
SonyVegas Pro 14.0
Manga Studios
MS Paint
Intro theme "MetalHeader" by: Jason Lord "HeySuezo" https://www.youtube.com/user/HEYSUEZO
Written by: Nitrogoblin
Sung by: Mikell Dover and Anna Kingsley
Original Soundtrack by :
Skytric https://www.youtube.com/user/jad4321
Sound bites from:
Additional songs by:
Special thanks to our Team and our fans!
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Thanks for watching!
WARNING! This series belongs/Copy-written to NitroGoblin. Do not Redistribute, steal, or use in anyway. If you wish to make fan-art or parody it, you may do so but ONLY if you do not use the source content and create your own art/visuals to go with it.
Please note that there may be some audio level issues that were out of my hand. Sorry about it, but I'm having Audacity issues.
Well done and good work on it.
thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. C: