Need new Psp for her
After finishing work on License to DIE! I decided I wanted to do another shorter episode just to give myself an opportunity to catch my breath, learn some new techniques, and once again practice the animation pipeline. I've stated this plenty of times elsewhere on my website, but I really want to try exercising some proper writing on the next episode and give these characters depth, and maybe tell a story that hits a little closer to home.
Chain - DenshaVA
Ace - Seamus Gold
Announcer - King Cole
Adrian model provided by sspookwavee
Tree Models - Wersaus33
Background Sky Textures - SONIC ADVENTURE
Results Screen Arena - SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL
Nintendo - Rhythm Heaven Fever: Ring Side Title Card
SEGA - Fighting Vipers: Training
Capcom Sound Team - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Stage Results
SEGA - Fighting Vipers: Theme of Honey Candy
Nintendo - Mario Kart Double Dash: Goal 2nd Place ~ 3rd Place
Character Credits
Thanks to everyone for giving me permission to feature your characters!
Main Fighters
↳ Tebbu - Moco
↳ Vio - Seamus Gold
Character Select Screen (In Order)
↳Tebbu - Moco
↳ Bippy - pillowsaint
↳ Adrian - sspookwavee
↳ Boxbot - heyddderek
↳ Remi - Ennuikal
↳ Applesauce - Josh_S2604
↳ Appy - brawlers world.
↳ Jonah - dagobahs08
↳ Vio - Seamus Gold
↳ Polyling - Himself
↳ Mary - Senranx
Need new Psp for her
Cheap tricks, but It still works every time
The animation isn't cheap, though. Still worth it
This was pretty good the voice work was amazing and it was funny too I found this to be enticing some advanced insight seemed to make this work so you do know what you are doing and it shows in the work here and I was glad to see what you came up with, good art style and nice animation
i love low poly style and character desing
the last couple seconds had me dyin. Love the retro aesthetic man. Shits right up my alley