1 star for each letter
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WASD, Arrows, Left thumbstick/joystick - Move
M, D-Pad Up - Mute
F, D-Pad Right - Fullscreen
Your goal is to solve the maze, but you need to avoid dark red robots in order to get to an purple portal, purple portal actually leads you to a next level.
Also supports Mobile and Tablet (Touchscreen friendlies)
Easier instructions with one picture:
I was supposed to make easy games, but this turned out to be a hard one, and it had a very big screen. I am so sorry for disappointing y'all :(
1 star for each letter
This is a true masterpiece, it's so well-written it made me cry, 100000000/69
Short, but pretty competently made.
Main complaint's the controls - them being stiff as hell, combined with Walter being unable to move diagonally and the cancer cells being able to move however they want makes juking them a nightmare.
i need to cook
Not a good game, but one I played to completion nonetheless. Some of these levels were a bloodbath, with level 2 being extremely difficult for no real reason. After that, each level only took 1-3 attempts for me, and I breezed through everything else. But man, I was stuck on level two for a good while.
The controls are both stiff and slippery, you can't move diagonally and so must move in stair like patterns to reach the portal at the end of each level, and while the cancer cell pathing does allow for some fun setups to stall if you maneuver just right, the majority of the time you'll just miss the set up by what feels like a matter of pixels and you're left with no instant reset button and must be killed by the cells.
I wouldn't call the game bad, but it sure ain't good.