wunderbar dieses achievement hat meinem newgroundsaccount yu genuege ausgedient und ich schreibe diese rezension laenger als ich das spiel gespielt habe
mit freundlichsten Gruessen Kamunz
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Update 18.08.2023: I add Code stopAllSounds(); in First Frame.
I'm made This Turd Tutorial for 25 Minutes.
I Want Turd of the Week.
wunderbar dieses achievement hat meinem newgroundsaccount yu genuege ausgedient und ich schreibe diese rezension laenger als ich das spiel gespielt habe
mit freundlichsten Gruessen Kamunz
Exactly what it says on the tin - a detailed guide to recreating the classic B.
I'm not sure if it would have been eligible for Turd of the Week (it got quietly retired some time ago), but considering you put more effort into this than most other Clock Day entrants, you probably wouldn't have gotten it.
It no longer exists
Sorry if had to say it, but Turd of the Week was discontinued in some time of 2017 or 2018, because many persons uploads spam and Bad flash content to get these Award and Tom had to discontinue it.
thanks for the tutorial, very heplful