man this video is so cheesey I was reaally bored in the making of this one.
I guess I should thank you
Right now, a few people are watching this video, wanting to know what the Review fuss is all about.
Shortly after watching this depressingly stupid film, some of these people are sitting in their bathtubs, cutting their arms, and listening to Emo.
So in a way, you're doing the world a favor by indirectly killing off Goths/Manic depressives.
But for the rest of the worlds sanity (what little remains), I must blam this... er... suicide-inducing flash of doom.
first off
you cannot kill a clock, after watching a few clock movies, i have noticed that
second, the 'I AM YOUR FATHER' gag has been over done
and three...well...i could only think of two
this was really retarded
How does this have a 3.04!?!!?!?!?!