Perhaps a misunderstanding
I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be ironic. However if your intention was to mock George W. Bush you could at least have done it with creativity. What I see are three photos with the same background and some quotes being repeated over and over again. This is the kind of stuff we feel is just a waste of good space for other more talented users. I don't contribute anything myself so the joke's on me, but I just have an account here to be a part of the community and to have the pleasure to watch some of the fine work that you can find here. This is definitely NOT one of those pleasures.
PS: I am a Norwegian too. The fact that you included your nationality in the description was pointless. If that is the case I don't see what your intention was when you made this. You wrote in the description: "greatest country America." If you were ironic, then did you want to give our country a bad name? And if you do think it's the greatest country on earth then why? You're from Norway for heaven's sake. We have the best health care system in the world, best dental plans and little violence. Why do you see the need to idolize another country? If you have that need, then why do you pick the dumbest leader you could possibly find? Hitler is more worth looking up to in some ways. I kinda find it funny that you emphasized "HEROES" when the flash only covered one political figure.