old school pixel fight
Greetings Newgrounds Peoples and Fans
I like to present another 2 on 2 bout between Jubilee, Phylocke vs Rose, Starfire. In this bouts theme, Bison has captured Starfire, and with the help of Rose, Starfire is now under the control of Bison. How will Jubilee and Phylocke be able to handle this?
Until Then
Sprite Characters and Background are From Mugan Sites
Character are from Marvel & DC
Art Work Copy Righted By Their Respectful Owners
Fan Made for Fans.
old school pixel fight
May they live on till the end of time.
i love girls bouncing.... skills !
of course( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good shit man!
I'm gone to be bias here, Pyslocke is my girl def would have love to see more combat of her, n Oh no Jubliee . I enjoy the scenery and how it was set up pretty cool comparison.
I hear ya, I feel this was more of a lesson for Jubilee. I think Rose is Jubilee's real mother :D
you should add this to the DreamCast Collab