sequel to an animation i did a couple years ago... there are animals in it so it should be funny
this was made using flash cs4, blender and vegas pro
also the audio is an edit of some fucked up youtube kids content farm video so i don't really think there's a point in crediting it because i don't think the original exists anymore other than reuploads and honestly who tf wants to watch that and even then my version isn't much greater LOL but whatever just watch the video
also there are two more animations i have made and uploaded on youtube that i would like to upload on here at some point though i haven't decided when i should do that as both of them need to be edited a bit before uploading (art will also be uploaded more i believe :])
ok that's it BYE !!!!!!!!
edit... AGAIN:11/10
I should stop, this isn't fun anymore... if it ever was.:I don't know/125
1 star for tomato but 5 stars for orange