add a 2013 hyundai santa fe please
Super Street Garage
Let me know what kinda music u'd like in it and check back epriodically for updates and things!
If you find any bugs let me know and look forward
to new parts,cars,backgrounds features etc...
Update: Aug 13th 2007
It's cool to see that people still post once in a
while on something like this, I'm currently 19
and in school to become a 3d computer modeler,
its funny to look back to 2003 to see what I was doing,
haha there is so much wrong with it but I guess it isn't
that bad for considering how young I must of been, maybe
I'll revisit flash and update it someday, haha, anyways,
take care everyone. - Eric
add a 2013 hyundai santa fe please
Quite good
It was ok, I liked the cars, they were pretty well drawn and I liked the different the drawings because they were pretty good.
Nice try
this game is good and dont listen too people who like one type of music, because lots of people like different types of music, try to find some music from a game or put a little bit of everythin into it, that way more people will like it.
Nice job dude
Add there Eminems songs and Chamillionaires songs... And because all the people do not like that kinda music you can add there some kind of heavy metal music. Add more decals and cars for next version, if you are even doing it... :D And there could be like you have money at the start like 1000$ and then you spend it to a crap car and go race and if you win you get money to customize your car with... Make this a bit like Drag Racer V3 if you've ever heard about it.