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Shape Shooter

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Use WASD to move and left click to shoot. You have multiple weapons types that you can switch between with scroll wheel. The pistol can be reloaded with a right click but the the uzi and the shotgun rely on ammo dropped from enemies. You can also find point pods scattered randomly around the map collect them for huge bonus points. I made this game based on tutorial with C++ SDL2 and Emscripten. Believe it or not it actually took me 3 weeks to complete. Its bear bones and there some features that I would change but I really want to be done with this.

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cool concept but the movement controls are a bit unresponsive, otherwise its fine

Lack of arrow-key controls made playing this feel pretty awkward, as does having to use a virtually nonexistent scroll wheel on my touchpad to switch weapons.

Still, you've clearly got the basics of shmup design down, and I still had some fun playing it.

Credits & Info

3.01 / 5.00

Jul 7, 2024
8:46 PM EDT