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Grobble was a prankster in his previous life, giving the local children and elderly magnificent frights! However in Hell, everyone is kinda use to that kinda business and don't react as insanely as those up above did. This dissapoints Grobble massively so he, and his servant Hex, go on journey to fight their way out of Hell and into Heaven. Afterall, everyone in Heaven must be some goody two shoes! They're reactions to this sort of evil should be AMAZING!!

Okay uh gameplay! The initial idea for this project was "what if I made Space Invaders an auto-run 2D platformer". I've never actually played Space Invaders but I know the main premise is just "shoot some guys". So in this game you must run around and kill as many enemies as possible. Killing enemies increases your score and you need a certain amount of points to complete each level. As for the moveset, you can jump and shoot (obviously) but you also get this double jump/boost move aswell as the ability to slow down for extra accuracy in your shooting. Oh and as I said before, you DON'T stop moving, ahahahahaaaa!!!

This project started sometime in January as a side-project and was mostly developed in my old school's library.



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Simple but very fun. Final boss was the highlight. I like the Jet Set Radio inspiration in the music.

Quite confusing controls, but cool art design and nice sound effects

Cool art direction, but I can't seem to figure out the controls even on the first screen

this is pretty good for an auto runner game, and I do like how the two playable characters have their own move set, but I think it would be better if you could change directions kind of like Rayman Adventures but instead of swapping the screen you just press the left and right arrow keys or the A and D, you can still keep the auto runner mechanic just as long as I can change directions without having to hit a wall.

but overall, I did have fun with this, the final boss was challenging though.

Run and gun shooting flash. You should allow the controls to be reconfigurable. That would really improve the gameplay.

Credits & Info

3.59 / 5.00

Jul 25, 2024
1:54 PM EDT