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Author Comments

This Game will get updated every week so stay tuned for more updates.

This is just a joke game don't expect it to be good.

might be buggy i'll fix it soon.

If medals aren't unlocking message me to unlock for you im trying to fix the problem

Patch Notes

first update - 8/27/24

Bugs Fixes

2 New Items

Some Balances

New Cursor

Im too lazy to fix so if u get john deere and u don't see the button then press j

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This Game is shit but its furryphobic so it makes up for it, also good concept

medals dont work and no idea for kill ennemie

Noobymaster69 responds:

click on the enemies and u will get ur medal soon

Oy vay, very furryphobic, and fun!

Credits & Info

2.71 / 5.00

Aug 24, 2024
6:47 PM EDT